Jul 15, 2021

How to Improve Your Job Search

Job searching sounds like the easiest, most simple thing to do doesn’t it? Especially with the multitude of options you have in browsing through millions of amazing opportunities out there and the ‘one-click-apply’ options, it should be a piece of cake to land that dream job, shouldn’t it? Let us give you a brief reality check though – the competition is fierce and hiring managers get maybe 10 seconds to glance at your resume! But what if we told you there’s a smarter and more efficient way to go about your job hunt? Let’s take a look!

Here are some tips for job searching that we think will be super helpful if you’re on the job hunt!

The first thing to understand is the application process. Not all hiring managers have the time to sort through thousands of applications. So, most of their work is being done by various software that ‘reads’ your resume for them and then shortlists candidates accordingly. This is not a failproof method, because resume-reading software is unaware of how qualified you are or how amazing your communication skills are. It checks to see if your resume passes the ‘suitability’ test and if it doesn’t, you get the dreaded rejection email! The best way to make sure that your resume gets on the hiring manager’s radar is to read the job description, and make sure that you have included the relevant keywords and job specific skills to your resume. Don’t forget to double check your resume and ensure that it’s error-free before you send it out!

Don’t sleep on your job applications! As a job seeker, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and save a job you’re really interested in to apply for another day. We suggest not doing this and to get in there as fast as you can, because every new job posting receives at least 250 resumes within the first couple of hours. This is not to say that you need to sacrifice on your quality of application, but do try and make sure that you send your application within the first hour of the posting, so that you don’t get lost in the clutter.

Respect the limitations set by the companies while you’re submitting your resume on their job site. A beautifully designed resume might be appealing to look at when you’re presenting it in a face-to-face interview or even when you’re emailing it directly to the hiring manager. But, when you’re on your job hunt and submitting your resume to multiple positions, do make sure that you use a plain format in either a word or a pdf file type, so that your resume can be parsed into the employer database easily.

Being a job seeker, it’s also easy to fall into the trap of applying for multiple positions using the same resume or cover letter. We get that it’s easy to do this especially if you’re applying for similar roles, but take a good hard look at the job descriptions put up the employer, and customize your resume so that it doesn’t fall through the cracks. Go for quality over quantity, and show the hiring managers that you are the perfect candidate for the position, and have taken the time to read through the job description in detail.

Those were a few tips that you can use while job searching. But the next question on your mind would be – How to get a job now that you have your job search sorted out? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

One of the most effective methods to get a job would be job referrals. We cannot stress enough how important it is to have a strong networking plan in place, especially when you’re hunting. Be strategic when you’re starting your job search, and avoid applying to every single post you see on various job boards. See if you have common connections at the company you’re applying to, and find out if they have a referral system at their organisation, which will not only help you get a job, but also help them get a great referral bonus. It’s a win-win situation all around!

Update your LinkedIn profile! If you don’t have one, then create one, because LinkedIn is a great networking tool that helps you build strong connections in your domain of interest. Prospective employers or recruiters will look at both your resume and your LinkedIn profile, so do ensure that your resume matches your LinkedIn profile. Don’t forget to clean up your other social media profiles as well, so that you can use them where relevant in your job search. For instance, if you’re applying for companies like Facebook or Hootsuite, you’ll want to make sure that you have a squeaky clean social media presence.

Build your professional brand and position yourself as an expert in your field if you want to be noticed by the right people. These days you can Google anyone and find out their career history in a matter of minutes, and also connect with hiring managers, recruiters and employers. Personal branding is vital when it comes to setting yourself apart in your industry of choice. The better your brand is, the stronger your credibility will be and the stronger your network connections will be.

You could even consider hiring a professional service to look over your resume to see what you’re doing right and how you can improve your resume. Be honest with yourself about the challenges you’ve been facing on your job hunt, and look into the options that will help your job search get some much needed guidance and support. Then voila, you’ve landed a job interview at your dream company!

Congratulations job seeker! Your job search has been successful and you have impressed the hiring manager enough to seek you out for an interview. Now go in strong and communicate your value to the company, what you can bring to the table that no other candidate can, and your knowledge of their business. Remember that when you improve your job search, everything else falls into place effortlessly!